Making disciples...
Jesus gave everyone a simple invitation: "Follow me, be my disciple." We seek to make disciples, to follow Him and love the world and people He loves.
by Caring...
Jesus cared for people, even those who were believed to be unlovable. At LCOL, we seek to care for one another and for everyone we meet.
Growing in Christ...
Jesus was perfect and following Him is a lifelong pursuit. We strive to grow in our relationship with Jesus everyday.
Being a disciple is hard; let's work on caring and growing together! LCOL is a family of people supporting one another. Join us in following Jesus!
Centered on Jesus Christ, guided by Scripture, spoken and lived with conviction.
All about Jesus
Jesus is the source of our life, the savior of the world, and the Son of God!
We are here because of Him and we have joy because of Him! We can't wait to share the love and life of Jesus with you! |
Holy Scripture
The first and most trusted source about Jesus comes from Scripture. We believe that we know of the ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ from Scripture. Scripture speaks to the history of God's actions to restore our lives and to restore the world.
The Church
Jesus' disciples knew Him and even lived and ate with Him. Most importantly they saw Jesus teach, die, and rise from the dead. They were witnesses of the restoration of the world from evil. They continued to share the story of Jesus and continued His work of healing. That work continues throughout the world wherever there are followers of Christ.
We at LCOL continue in Jesus' mission to proclaim the good new of restoration. We do so eagerly with other churches as part of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, so that we may work together to tell others about Jesus, just as His disciples have for two thousand years! |
Salvation and New Life
Jesus didn't live and perform His ministry just to make life better for a few. Jesus lived that He may die and that the evil in the world and the evil in our lives would die with Him. Jesus came to rise from the dead and live again, so that we could live a new life with Him forever.
Today, we seek to imitate the love and teaching of Jesus in our lives, eagerly showing the new life we have been given. |
And so much more!Join us for study or for worship to learn more.