Growing Together In Christ
Young Children
Sunday School begins at 9:40AM and focuses on children 3 years old through those in 4th grade. Kids will enjoy music, Bible stories, and crafts.
“The purpose of the confirmation experience is for each student to know and understand our Christian/Lutheran doctrine of the church, develop relationships with other students, and to continue to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.”

At Lutheran Church of the Lakes, confirmation instruction is open to all students in 5th - 12th grade who have not been Confirmed. Our time together includes, class room teaching, serving the church through being lay readers and acolytes, and serving the community at large through services they and their families have chosen.
Middle School Confirmation students will be taking their First Holy Communion on Sunday, May 19, at 10:00AM. Classes will then break until September.
RESOURCES (click on title to open):
High School
The LCOL Youth Group for high school students meets on Sundays at 9:40 from September to May. The high school years — freshman to senior — are when students learn that the church can be fun and transformative at the same time. Our heart is to make our youth group the kind of place where no one stands alone. Come exactly as you are!