What if I haven’t been to church in a long time?
Then we're especially glad to have you! In fact, we don’t care if you've never been to church. God welcomes you especially, and we hope and pray we help you to know that. If you have any questions not covered here, please don't hesitate to ask our pastor or any of our members.
What if I am not Lutheran?
Lutheran Church of the Lakes is a Missouri Synod Lutheran Church--that means we extend Jesus' call to follow Him to everyone and welcome all who respond. Truth is, the majority of our membership were not born or raised Lutheran, but we thank God for calling us together to get to know Him better. If you want to learn more about what we believe, come meet us. In the meantime, we welcome you to worship.
Is there something for my kids to do?
Absolutely! At the 10:30 AM service we offer a children's message. Christ Connections for kids aged 3 years through 4th grade will be held each Sunday from 9:40 AM-10:20 AM. The materials being used are 'Growing in Christ' beginning with the birth of Jesus. This program is facilitated by loving, caring & dedicated members of Lutheran Church of the Lakes.
What about Holy Communion (the Lord's Supper)?
We understand Communion to be more than just a symbol or a statement--it is a "means of grace". Like the Bible, the sacrament proclaims the fearful cost of our salvation, the depth of our Savior's love, and the perfect trust we can have because of Jesus' death and resurrection. It is an intimate moment where God himself is with us and should never be taken lightly. The Bible tells us: "A person ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread and drink of the cup." (1 Corinthians 11:28)
If you would like to commune with us, please keep in mind that our Holy Communion is a sacrament--that is, a sacred reality. While God is with us, He binds us together as a single family, healing our sins with Jesus own body and blood. For this reason, we reserve communion for members of our congregation and other baptized Christians who know they need God’s daily forgiveness and are eager to walk with us and with Jesus as brothers and sisters in love.
If you would like to begin communing regularly with us, we would love nothing more! Please take some time to pray about committing yourself to this congregation and let our Pastor know that you'd like to begin taking communion. If you have more questions, talk to our Pastor or look for our next confirmation class, which is the best way to get ready for life at LCOL.
If you don't wish to receive communion, you may still come up for a blessing or for prayer (just wave off the bread and wine when it is offered).
If you would like to commune with us, please keep in mind that our Holy Communion is a sacrament--that is, a sacred reality. While God is with us, He binds us together as a single family, healing our sins with Jesus own body and blood. For this reason, we reserve communion for members of our congregation and other baptized Christians who know they need God’s daily forgiveness and are eager to walk with us and with Jesus as brothers and sisters in love.
If you would like to begin communing regularly with us, we would love nothing more! Please take some time to pray about committing yourself to this congregation and let our Pastor know that you'd like to begin taking communion. If you have more questions, talk to our Pastor or look for our next confirmation class, which is the best way to get ready for life at LCOL.
If you don't wish to receive communion, you may still come up for a blessing or for prayer (just wave off the bread and wine when it is offered).
What about offering?
We are a church. We invest in people. We aren't a business trying to increase its bottom line. It's because of the faithful and regular giving of people like you that we continue to make a difference, equipping and encouraging people in our community and around the world. Is this your church? Give joyfully. Not sure yet? Relax and enjoy God's grace We aren't glad you're here because of your money. You're our guest and you matter (even if you don't know it yet).
How do I become a member?
The Bible calls the church a body and a family--things that are organic and real. A membership might exist just on paper, but Jesus calls us to follow Him. If you want to become a member of the family here at Lutheran Church of the Lakes, the main thing is to come and follow Jesus in Gospels with us on Sunday's. To become more familiar with what we do beginning each Sunday, attend one of our Bible Studies during the week.