Rev. David ErberDavid and Joyce Erber are missionaries in Ghana, West Africa. He is responsible for guiding and encouraging LCMS missionaries and mission work in the Gambia, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone.
YMCA Storer CampsLCOL offers scholarships to annual YMCA camps in the Jackson area. To learn more about Storer camps, click on the icon. To apply for a scholarship, click here.
Compassion InternationalA Christian child advocacy ministry that works through local churches to release children from spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty. Join our many members who have extended their family to other countries by adopting a Compassion child. Learn more here.
Mite Boxes for MissionAll women of Lutheran Church of the Lakes (LCOL) are Lutheran Women in Mission. And everyone can help share the message of God's mercy around the world. Mite boxes are containers that collect lose change. They are returned to the church quarterly and sent to the Lutheran Women in Mission who fund mission projects all over the world.
Rev. Steven and Martha Mahlburg
Rev. Steven and Martha Mahlburg serve the Lord through the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod as career missionaries in Sri Lanka. Steven seeks to build and maintain relationships with the Ceylon Evangelical Lutheran Church. He provides support for raising up pastors and grounding congregations in Lutheran doctrine and practice. |