Christian Care
Christian Care's mission is very simple: Love people. They coordinate and sponsor more than 30 missions, bringing help and support to families locally and around the world in Christ.
The goal of the Board of Fellowship is to offer opportunities for people to experience the family of God through Coffee Connection on Sunday mornings and various events throughout the year.
The goal of Christian Education is that we rightly understand God's Word so our faith is directed to love (1 Timothy 1:5). Bible Studies, Small Groups, Catechism, Children's Church and VBS produce devoted followers of Jesus Christ - infants, children, youth, and adults.
This board encourages the entire congregation to reach out and build relationships for the sake of Christ and equips them to share the Gospel. They partner with other ministries to ensure that Jesus is at the center of all we do at LCOL.
Valentine Dinner
Each centerpiece reminded sweethearts of God's gift of love for them in Jesus. Their placemats asked them to reflect on how they'd been blessed and would bless one another this year. Pumpkin Fest
Pumpkin Fest invitations go out to our entire mailing list inviting people to enjoy a completely free evening of entertainment. The Evangelism Board participate in Pumpkin Fest and greet guests as they arrive. Share the Warmth
LCOL partners with the Adrian Salvation Army to provide a home for the homeless. Volunteer provide food, do laundry or supervise overnight. For more information, call Mike Helf at 547-5210. |
The Evangelism Team sends over 100 invitations to local families and guests inviting them to celebrate the news of New Life at LCOL Easter morning, to enjoy a delicious breakfast. Christmas
The Team sends out personal invitations to families who have visited LCOL or attended an event the past year. They make postcards available for members to send or give to friends. Samaritan's Purse - Operation Christmas Child
Each month we collect toys and hygiene items for Samaritan’s Purse to distribute at Christmas. Be a part of showing God’s love to more than 8 million children in 100 countries. Click here for more info. |
The Board of Trustees serves God by keeping His house in good working order and planning for future improvements to LCOL property.